French Baguette

If you want to try your hand at making bread at home, this is the recipe that you should start your journey with. This recipe of a homemade French baguette provides you with a tool for making several new and unique dishes, but to try those, you first need to try this recipe.


Table of Content

  1. What is a French Baguette ?
  2. Quick and Easy French Baguette
  3. How to make a French Baguette ? 
  4. Expert Tips 
  5. Recipe Card  


What is a French Baguette?

​​A baguette is a long thin loaf of bread of French origin. A baguette can quite easily be distinguished from its long and thin shape and crispy outer crust. It was in the 18th century that long and thin breads became popular in France. The name baguette for defining a particular type of bread came into existence in August 1920. Baguettes are generally baked in bulk, inside deck ovens, and they require steam to rise and crisp up. The hydration ( percentage of water) is on the higher side for this bread because of its chewy and crispy texture.


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Quick and Easy French Baguette

A baguette can serve many uses like making a sub, sliced thinly as crostini for your soup or even topped with some category of food to serve as a bruschetta. There are endless options when you make a baguette, but the first step is to make it. This recipe serves as a guide to achieve perfect bread each and every time, and once you get the hang of it, the possibilities are endless. 


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    How to make a French Baguette?

    1) In a large bowl, take some refined flour and add salt and honey to it.

    French Baguette

    2) Add the instant yeast to the flour, followed by lukewarm water.
    French Baguette

    3) Mix all the ingredients together with a spatula to form a shaggy but hydrated dough. Cover and let the dough rest for 90 minutes or till it is doubled in size.
    French Baguette

    4) Once the dough is proofed, preheat the oven at 250 degree celsius. Remove the dough from the bowl and divide it into 2 pieces
    French Baguette

    5) On a floured work surface, shape the dough into 2 separate logs and place them onto the baguette tray.
    French Baguette

    6) Store the bread in a lengthwise diagonal direction with an extremely sharp knife.
    French Baguette

    7) Bake the bread for 15 minutes at 250 degree celsius and then reduce the temperature to 225 and bake them for another 15 minutes, or until they have developed a deep golden brown colour on them.
    French Baguette

    8) After taking the breads out, let them cool completely before slicing them up.
    French Baguette


    Expert Tips

    1) Make sure your yeast is fresh and not old, otherwise it won't rise.

    2) The water added in the dough needs to be lukewarm for the yeast to activate.

    3) Rest the dough in a warm environment for the perfect rise.

    Recipe Card


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