Vervain - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Vervain - Health Benefits, Uses and Important Facts

Vervain has a long and storied history as a medicinal herb. It has been used for centuries by many different cultures to treat a wide variety of ailments. Today, vervain is still revered for its healing properties and is commonly used in herbal teas and supplements.


Vervain is known to be very effective in treating stress and anxiety. It can also help to improve digestion and relieve pain. Additionally, vervain has anti-inflammatory properties that make it helpful in treating conditions like arthritis and asthma.


About Vervain:


Vervain is a flowering plant in the Verbena (Verbenacea) family. Its scientific name is Verbena Officinalis.


Vervain is also called common verbena, wild verbena, simpler's joy, holy herb, enchanter's plant, mosquito plant, wild hyssop, Indian hyssop, blue vervain, juno's tears, pigeon's grass, pigeon weed, herb of the cross, and Indian hyssop. Vervain and lemon verbena are both in the Verbena family of plants, but there are a lot of other plants in that family. Not all medicinal plants are used the same way as vervain. Blue vervain (Verbena hastata) and white vervain are two other types of vervain that are used for medicine (Verbena urticifolia.)


Verbena Officinalis is a plant that grows back every year. It has small, five-petaled, pale lilac flowers on short shoots. Some vervain flowers have pink or white flowers, while others have light blue or purple flowers. Even though vervain flowers are pretty, they don't smell good.


Vervain's history is not completely clear, but it is thought to have come from southern Europe or the Mediterranean area. Since then, vervain has spread to other parts of the world, such as North America. Vervain grows naturally in most soils. Most types will grow to be between 12" and 36" tall. Vervain grows slowly and stays low to the ground. It blooms from the middle of summer to the beginning of fall.



Importance of vervain in ancient culture:


Vervain has been used for thousands of years as a medicine, in rituals, and for good luck. Vervain was very important to ancient cultures all over Europe. Vervain has a lot of different names because it is both a cultural symbol and a healing plant. Even the names for it, like "the herb of love" and "the herb of the cross," show how much people love it.


Vervain was a sacred plant in many ancient cultures, including Egypt. Egyptians thought that vervain came from the tears of the goddess Isis when the god Osiris died. Vervain was also seen as a sacred plant by the ancient Persians.



Religious and supernatural symbol of vervain:


Ancient Druids who lived in what is now Ireland thought that vervain had magical powers. In Scandinavia, people who worshiped Thor also used vervain in ceremonies and rituals to call on its magical powers.


Vervain was thought to be a holy plant by both the Greeks and the Romans. They cleaned their temples with the holy vervain branches. The Greeks called it hierobotane, which means "holy plant." The Romans called it herba sacra, which means "sacred herb." The Romans also blessed their altars with the vervain plant. Hippocrates, a Greek doctor, is said to have used Verbena officinalis to treat fever and the plague.


Vervain was used to heal Christ's wounds on the cross, according to Christian legend. This is why vervain is sometimes called the herb of the cross.



How to use vervain?


Tea is the traditional way that medicinal vervain is used. It takes some time to get used to the taste of vervain tea. Bitter tastes are less common on our modern palates, and vervain is especially bitter.


Hildegard praised bitter tastes and told us to work on increasing our tolerance for bitter herbs. Even though it tastes bad, vervain has been used for healing and herbal magic for a very long time. So, you should try to add it to your natural, all-around healing plan. A great way to start is to make your own vervain tea.


Vervain tea:

  1. Mix ten dry grammes (about 1/3 ounce) of vervain, thyme, elderflower, cowslip primrose, and peppermint together.
  2. Pour one cup of hot water over two heaping teaspoons of the herb mixture. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
  3. You can drink two to three cups a day for up to a week (and not during pregnancy). You can drink vervain tea to treat any of the problems listed above, but it works best for stomach problems of any kind. It will also make your kidneys and liver stronger.



Health benefits of vervain:


  1. Calms nerves and changes in mood

Herbalists have used vervain as a nervine, which means it calms the nervous system. It is usually made into a tea that is used to treat stress, anxiety, mood swings, and sometimes depression.


Verbenalin is thought to be the part of blue vervain that makes it good for your mood. It helps people relax and fall asleep, which makes stress and frayed nerves go away. Vervain can also make you feel better and won't make you sleepy.


  1. It helps make more breast milk.
  • One of the most common uses of blue vervain is to help nursing mothers by making them make more breast milk.
  • A galactagogue is any food, herb, drink, or medicine that makes more breast milk. Herbal galactagogues have been used for hundreds of years by women who are having trouble making enough milk as a safe and natural way to boost supply.
  • Vervain isn't as well-known as galactagogues like fennel seed, blessed thistle, and fenugreek, but it was once used a lot for this purpose.


  1. Help for Headaches and Pain

Vervain isn't one of the best herbs for relieving pain, but it can help with headaches, menstrual cramps, and swelling.


Studies have shown that both putting it on the skin and eating it can help reduce inflammation and pain. If you drink vervain as a tea (maybe with some peppermint to cover up its bitter taste), it can help with both the pain and the tension that come with headaches and your period.


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